marcia resnick revisions & other visions vintage photographs 1970s - 1980s

Press Release for Marcia Resnick: Re-visions & Other Visions

November 16, 2019 – February 1, 2020

Deborah Bell Photographs will present Re-visions & Other Visions: Vintage Photographs 1970s- 1980s, the gallery's fourth exhibition of photographs by Marcia Resnick. A reception and book- signing to celebrate the recent re-publication by Edition Patrick Frey, Zürich, of Resnick’s landmark 1978 book, Re-visions, will be held on Saturday, November 16, from 4 to 8pm.

Most people familiar with the art of Marcia Resnick know it through Re-visions, her series of smart and very funny photographs tracking the passage of a pre-adolescent girl into young womanhood. The book Re-visions was released in 1978 to wide critical acclaim from Resnick’s artistic and literary peers, among them William Burroughs, Andy Warhol, and Allen Ginsberg. Along with her friend William Wegman, who was creating conceptual tableaux in his photography during the mid- to late 1970s, Resnick was a precursor to a broad range of artists, including Cindy Sherman, engaged in photographic storytelling.

The exhibition will also feature Resnick's early photographs from her three series See, See Changes, and Landscape/Loftscape, in which she pursued a wide-ranging exploration of the inherent, and often humorous, contradictions between art and reality. Also on view will be portraits of musicians, artists, and writers chosen from her 2015 book Punks, Poets and Provocateurs: NYC Bad Boys 1977-1982 as well as selections from her column Resnick’s Believe-It-Or-Not, published in the SoHo Weekly News during the same period.

Resnick was included in 1975, along with John Baldessari, Thomas Barrow, Michael Bishop, Richard Schaeffer, and William Wegman, in the ground-breaking exhibition The Extended Document: An Investigation of Information and Evidence in Photographs at The George Eastman House.

Marcia Resnick was born in Brooklyn in 1950. She received her BFA from The Cooper Union, New York City, in 1972, and her MFA from the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, CA, in 1973.

Resnick's photographs can be found in numerous institutional collections, including the Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth; Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, ME; Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh; Fischer Museum of Art, University of Southern California, Los Angeles; Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie; George Eastman Museum, Rochester; Harry Ransom Center, Austin; Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge; Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca; J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles; The Jewish Museum, New York; Lehigh University Art Galleries, Bethlehem, PA; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; The Morgan Library & Museum, New York; The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC; National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC; Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO; New Orleans Museum of Art; The New York Public Library; Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; Ryerson Image Center, Toronto, ON; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Santa Barbara Museum of Art, CA; Tampa Museum of Art, FL; and Worcester Art Museum, MA.

This exhibition is held in association with Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc., San Francisco.

Gallery hours for the exhibition are Wednesday-Saturday, 11-6. For further information please contact the gallery at 212-249-9400 or at High-resolution

scans are available to the press.